April 20, 2008

i will kill and i will destroy

i am trying so very hard to not fill this "blog" up talking about my stupid little life epiphanies that happen to me every day. or things that piss me off, they are the kind of things that piss most people off, and therefore there is no point. it's like bitching about gas prices. puhhhh lease. let it go. HOWEVER, i do at this moment in time feel underestimated by many. i can handle some heavy shit most of the time, believe it or not. to cut to the chase, i am on my last straw. (i just googled this cliche, and i'm not sure what it really means...) this straw is measurable by an amount of time. this amount of time is 5 months. i go into no further detail.

on another note, us buddies went "camping" last night. it seems like the most down-to-earth thing to do at times. times like these when most people are assholes. mother nature can be your best friend. however, camping plans went awry due to a mother who says her daughter can't go camping even though she sent her daughter away to a wilderness program for 9 grueling weeks. therefore said daughter and buddies went camping on buddy's property. the gentle lull of squealing miniature house dogs is not exactly what i like to call romantic. nonetheless, the night was fresh and sleepless.

cool people like to get their hands dirty sometimes and they aren't afraid of getting stabbed by a cholla and fear not peeing without the guidance of a porcelain counselor. but this has always been like this. when civilization snaps, it's you that who will be fucked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, we/people in general aren't given enough credit. Americans helpless as a society because we expect to be taken care of by a system that fucks us constantly but benefits greatly from and therefore cultivates our dependance. it's sad that this has so permiated the average citizen's psyche and people like your mom (and i guess mine as well) are so out of touch that they think it's necessary to pull moves like the one on sat.
-N <3