May 28, 2008

high life

i want to meet my doppelganger. we would sit together on the futon and listen to all our favorite bands. and it would be completely non-objectionable. and then we would talk about life. and we would relate about so much. and our paranoia would drive us up the wall when the sun went down. so then we'd turn on the night light. because that's what we do. and most importantly, we would engage in the mightiest embrace.

it's one of those intangible things. like nature. i guess that's where tree hugging comes from. we channel our religious energy outwards and whabam the universe shits out a hippy. every little thought or emotion is scratching inside of our tiny bodies, just dying to manifest itself in some inappropriate fashion.


i might just be crazy.

i think it's lame that i have a desire, not to fall madly in love with anyone, but just to meet someone who listens to the same music as i do. and then fall madly in love with them. FEST FEST FEST 7 7 7 ! ! ! take me to your leader! grrrawwwf

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