April 18, 2008

stamping on a human face for a very long time

just returned from the lovely middle eastern countries known as egypt and jordan. ironically, the word that pops to my head when asked to describe it is "refreshing." but why should it be? they are still flirting with globalization, particularly jordan, and riots and protests over bread prices in egypt have become a common occurrence as of late. i was in luxor the day of the april 6th strike, it was dead except for tourists. egypt is the second highest recipient of u.s. aid, as well as a top importer of our wheat. but the u.s. does not provide any assistance towards their subsidies, and most can't afford unsubsidized bread. also the u.s. embassy alerted foreigners to not partake in the protests or otherwise they would be arrested. protests are illegal in egypt. maybe if we share some of our bread with other nations, we wouldn't have such an obesity problem. there is something fucked up in the fact that egypt was once referred to as the world's bread basket and is now unable to feed its own people. now about 50% are below the poverty line and unable to sustain their lifestyles. the world food program is expected to face a .5 billion dollar deficit if things do not get any worse.

but in the end these people are more involved than most americans ever will be. every four years santa feans go and ditch school to "make a point" about george bush being the president of the u.s. well smoking weed reeeeeally makes you not seem apathetic - at ALL! and it most certainly makes a point. damn, if i ever meet mr. george bush, i'm going to blow a huge amount of pot smoke onto his face. maybe then he'll change his politics. it can be very threatening, i'm sure.

egypt was fascinating. 7,000 years of early civilization. they did pretty well with it, too. of course it's hard to get a first person account of these years, but there is a lot to be learned from their drawings and hieroglyphics. i mean, 7,000 years, fuck. what is this civilization right now called? when did it start and when will it end? oh boy. people had temples built to worship them. and people did. people don't usually do that these days. god couldn't simultaneously be in each of our churches on sundays. but things were smaller then. it would be harsh to say they had been victims of self-righteousness, but i think some cases could adhere to this. who knows? i told my mom to use my college money to build me a pyramid so i can be happy in the after life. EXHIBITIONISM! ...to its finest.

links, sources & more information
the economist
al jazeera english

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, would like to blow smoke in his face! You make me happy.