August 26, 2008


i have one hell of a month ahead of me. i'm going to make a vague itinerary for my own organizational sake. currently i am at a motel 6 in walnut creek, california. yesterday i went out when mackenzie had to work and took mister BART all the way to the mission neighborhood and walked around there for a bit. i met an old man with an organic television and he put on a politically charged and good humored puppet show for me. then i had the most epic falafel ever, a "falafel deluxe," which i chose over a "falafel regular." it came with eggplant and potatoes and onions and spicy sauce and cucumbers and was a brick. and i drowned slowly. then i walked around eating this thing and put the rest back in my purse. (YEAH I HAVE A PURSE WELL IT'S A BAG OK) next i found this really cool D.I.Y. store with all kinds of zines and books and clothes and some local music i had never really heard of and cool art. i bought an archive of the first 20 years of cometbus, and i've been slowly making my way through it. awesome. it is. so then i went (and i think all of these events are out of order, i think cometbus came before falafel, but does it look like i care?) and saw WARCHILD, which was a bosnian/german film about this woman who lost her child in the war in the 90s and she goes out to find her... and i won't ruin the rest but it was pretty good. so then i headed back. cool deal.

and now for my MASTER PLAN:

so i get back late on the 29th. hope wants to meet up with me in el paso for our juarez escapade. i would want to go straight from albuquerque, spend the night there at someone's house, and drive down 4 hours the next morning. but i don't have my passport, so i'd have to drive an hour north to my house and then 5 hours south. 2 hours out of the way. but i need a passport so it's what i gotta do. i think we will be spending the weekend there. just a few days.

then i must pack like crazy for school. in the span of 4 days. (does that make sense? i speak good english, i swear)
boring boring boring will probably forget very important things lalalala oi
and maybe zozobra but it kind of sucks and i hate drunk teenagers (like myself) so why would i go

SEPTEMBER 7TH i drive up to denver all alone which i am stoked for because driving alone is pretty pretty good. hot water music that night! then i guess i am caravaning with noah and mike but i don't know the deal, maybe go to sedona and the grand canyon and the greater regions of utah and then through nevada... i kind of wanted to see if i could stop wherever jackson is in california, arcata i think, and see him... so we'll see. i want to get to manda's around the 15th so i can chill out for a few days before i have to deal with all this crazy shit i'm going to have to deal with like meeting new people, how daunting.

and hopefully sometime all the time everytime i go to seattle i can chill with cassie because she is the shark pants

i wanted to add something
a deep fear of mine
is that someone will be using my computer and go on and look at all the words i've looked up and be like "what the hell she didn't know what eradicate meant until recently?"


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